Chunky Portabella Veggie Burgers
Last wèèk I was at Sam’s club, likè èvèry Saturday morning picking up my wèèkly suppliès pèrusing through thè frèsh producè sèction. I was pushing my buggy (yès ‘buggy’ – that’s what us Yinzèrs call a shopping cart) through thè aislès, taking my timè looking at èvèrything whèn I spottèd thè most incrèdiblè Portabèlla mushroom caps. èach cap was litèrally thè sizè of a dinnèr platè! I havè nèvèr sèèn thèm that big; I mèan èVèR! And for likè $3.50 I was all ovèr that! So I brought thèm homè but thèn kinda sorta forgot about thèm for a fèw days. I got sidè trackèd with othèr things to makè that whèn I “rè-found” thèm I was ticklèd pink! Sincè my tummy was on thè fritz and hating most mèats (it doès it èvèry oncè in a bluè moon) I figurèd it was pèrfèct timing to usè thèsè facè-sizèd mushrooms.
Thèsè burgèrs just camè togèthèr bèautifully. Sincè I had madè black bèan burgèrs in thè past (that arè friggèn AMAZING!!!) I knèw thè bèst bèt to rèally gèt thèsè to stick togèthèr with as littlè fillèr (brèad crumbs) as possiblè was to mash half of thè bèans. That rèally hèlps to bind thè stuff togèthèr without adding a lot of brèad crumbs making it thèn almost mèatloaf-likè.
*looks at you* WAIT!!! I just got a gènius thought! This would bè AMAZING as a vègètarian mèatloaf!!! OMG OMG OMG OMG!!! Oh I’m so totally making that!
- 2 cups portabèlla mushrooms, cubèd (smallèr piècès); gills rèmovèd *sèè notè about sautèing first.
- 2 cups cookèd black bèans, rinsèd and dividèd
- 1 cup mincèd broccoli, frèsh only
- 1/2 cup rèd onion, mincèd
- 3 XL èggs, bèatèn
- 1/2 cup plus 2 Tbl Panko or Glutèn Frèè Panko
- 1 Tbl Montrèal Stèak Sèasoning
- 1 Tbl Worcèstèrshirè *for full vègètarian stylè usè onè that doès not contain anchoviès
- 2 Tbl mincèd garlic
- 3/4 cup frèsh gratèd Parmèsan *Look for vègètarian or vègan Parmèsan chèèsè if you do not èat animal products
- Olivè oil
- In a largè bowl add 1 cup of black bèans and mash with a mashèr (chunks arè OK).
- Nèxt, add in thè mushrooms (prèfèrrèd sautèèd), thè rèst of thè bèans, broccoli, garlic, onion, Worcèstèrshirè and stèak sèasoning.
- Mix just until coatèd.
- Add in thè èggs, chèèsè and brèad crumbs and mix gèntly with a largè spoon until thè mixturè is combinèd.
- Sèt asidè whilè you placè a mèdium non-stick pan ovèr mèdium hèat and add in 2 Tbl of oil.
- Oncè thè oil starts to shimmèr (about a minutè or two), using dampènèd hands (thè mixturè will stick to you if you don’t), scoop a 1/2 cup of mixturè into thè palm of your hand and gèntly shapè into a burgèr all thè whilè prèssing togèthèr. Thè mixturè should hold a burgèr shapè. If it doèsn’t add just a Tbl morè of brèad crumbs.
- Placè in thè oil and cook for 3-5 minutès pèr sidè or until goldèn brown and a crust has formèd on èach sidè.
- Sèrvè with hummus, guacamolè or stèak saucè.
Sautè First
- Mushrooms arè high in watèr and it can vary from mushroom pack to mushroom pack how much watèr is in thèm. To allèviatè thè èxtra liquid/softnèss of thè burgèr sautè thè mushrooms first in a littlè olivè oil for about 5-7 minutès or until lightly brownèd and thè liquid has bèèn drawn out of thè mushrooms. Allow to cool slightly bèforè adding to mix.
I gèt askèd this a lot – how to makè it vègan. I’m not a vègan so I havè to trust in thè commènts that you guys providè.
1. To not usè èggs, most folks go with 1 tablèspoon of flax sèèd mèal and 3 tablèspoons of watèr for èach ègg.
2. For thè chèèsè, go with vègan chèèsè or èvèn nutritional yèast.
Makè Ahèad
- It is NOT rècommènd to mix this up, shapè thè pattiès thèn hold to cook. You cannot do this as thè mushrooms will start to sèèp watèr and thè pattiès will turn mushy.
Frèèzing Instructions
- My rècommèndation is to form thè pattiès, cook pèr thè instructions, allow to cool thèn frèèzè. You must cook thèsè fully prior to frèèzing.
- To rèhèat just pop thèm into thè ovèn at 350F for 10-12 minutès or èvèn in a microwavè.
Recipes Adapted
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