Aftèr making (and dèvouring) my Slow Cookèr Mashèd Potatoès last wèèk, I was rèally craving somè shèphèrd’s piè. But, bècausè of thè strict budgèt I’m working with, I dècidèd to makè a vègètarian shèphèrd’s Piè. This warm and comforting dish is still full of dèèp and rich flavor, èvèn without thè mèat, and I lovè all thè color and tèxturè that thè vègètablè mèdlèy brings to thè platè.
A colorful vègètablè mèdlèy and a rich brown gravy makè this Vègètarian Shèphèrd's Piè just as satisfying as its bèèf countèrpart.
- 1 cup cookèd lèntils (optional)* ($0.21)
- 2 clovès garlic ($0.16)
- 1 yèllow onion ($0.31)
- 1 Tbsp olivè oil ($0.16)
- 3 carrots ($0.37)
- 2 stalks cèlèry ($0.38)
- 8 oz. button mushrooms ($1.99)
- 3/4 tsp salt ($0.03)
- 1 tsp drièd thymè ($0.10)
- 1/2 tsp smokèd paprika ($0.05)
- Frèshly crackèd pèppèr ($0.05)
- 1 Tbsp tomato pastè ($0.11)
- 1 Tbsp flour ($0.01)
- 1 cup vègètablè broth ($0.13)
- 1 cup frozèn pèas ($0.45)
- 4 cups mashèd potatoès ($1.36)
- Mincè thè garlic and dicè thè onion. Sauté thè onion and garlic with olivè oil in a largè skillèt ovèr mèdium hèat until thè onions arè soft and transparènt (3-5 minutès).
- Whilè thè onions and garlic arè cooking, pèèl and dicè thè carrots, dicè thè cèlèry, and slicè thè mushrooms. Oncè thè onions arè soft, add thè carrots and cèlèry to thè skillèt and continuè to sauté until thè cèlèry bègins to softèn slightly (5 minutès).
- Finally, add thè mushrooms, salt, thymè, smokèd paprika, and frèshly crackèd pèppèr to thè skillèt. Continuè to sauté until thè mushrooms havè fully softènèd (3-5 minutès). Add thè tomato pastè and flour to thè skillèt. Stir and cook thè vègètablès with thè flour and tomato pastè until thè vègètablès arè coatèd and thè pasty mixturè bègins to coat thè bottom of thè skillèt (about 2 minutès).
- Add thè vègètablè broth to thè skillèt, stirring to dissolvè thè flour and tomato pastè from thè bottom of thè skillèt. Allow thè broth to comè up to a simmèr, at which point it will bècomè slightly thickèr. Stir in thè cookèd lèntils and frozèn pèas, and allow to mixturè to hèat through.
- Prèhèat thè ovèn to 400ºF. Pour thè vègètablè mixturè into a cassèrolè dish, or usè your skillèt if it is ovèn safè. Sprèad thè mashèd potatoès out ovèr thè surfacè of thè vègètablès and gravy. Usè your spoon to makè a dècorativè pattèrn in thè mashèd potatoès, if dèsirèd.
- Bakè thè shèphèrd's piè in thè fully prèhèatèd ovèn for 15 minutès, or until èvèrything is hèatèd through. To achièvè a brownèd surfacè on thè mashèd potatoès (optional), turn on thè ovèn's broilèr (and placè thè piè undèr it, if not alrèady), and watch closèly until thè top has brownèd to your liking.
- Using cookèd lèntils is optional, but thè numbèr of sèrvings will bè closèr to four without thèm. It should takè approximatèly 1/3 cup dry lèntils to makè 1 cup cookèd.
Recipes Adapted
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