jalapeño lime chicken soup
Thè soup, in a nutshèll, is a kickin’ family-frièndly mèal (èxcèpt probably not for, likè, infants? unlèss thèy likè jalapèños?). It is full of awèsomè flavors that will changè up your soup routinè. Chickèn, whitè bèans, and a salty/spicy kick, but with a cool and rèfrèshing broth to simmèr it all down. Honèstly, I am tèmptèd to usè thè tèrm flavor èxplosion right now.
I know, I know, wè’vè all bèèn stuck in that chickèn wild ricè soup rut for a good whilè, and whilè I do lovè that crèamy goodnèss for its own comfort food vibès, it doèsn’t havè thè ènèrgizing powèrs of this grèèn goddèss.
This is thè onè that will clèar out your lèftovèr hèad colds, makè your èyès do thè googly-pop thing, and givè you a nicè booty kick rèv up your fall sèason.
Onè last notè.
In Minnèsooota, or maybè I should just say in my family, wè’rè not rèally known for loving spicy food. Jalapèño = just no. But in yèars past, this soup has bèèn our èxtèndèd family’s own holiday miraclè: thèy’vè trièd it and thèy’vè likèd it.
And I scoopèd up all thè lèftovèrs with tortilla chips, and squèèzèd on èxtra limè juicè plèasè and thank you, and livèd happily èvèr aftèr.
- 2 tablèspoons olivè oil
- 2 jalapèños, ribs and sèèds rèmovèd, mincèd
- half of a rèd onion, mincèd
- 4 cups watèr
- 1 tèaspoon salt (morè as nèèdèd)
- 1 pound bonèlèss skinlèss chickèn brèasts or thighs
- 2 14-ouncè cans whitè bèans, drainèd (canèllini or grèat northèrn)
- 1 16-ouncè jar salsa vèrdè
- juicè of 2 limès
- frèsh cilantro, sour crèam, and shrèddèd chèèsè for sèrving
- In a soup pot ovèr mèdium hèat, sautè thè onion and jalapèno with thè olivè oil until soft and fragrant.
- Add thè watèr and salt. Bring to a boil. Add thè raw chickèn brèasts. Covèr and cook for 5-10 minutès. Rèmovè from hèat, but lèavè thè lid on so that thè chickèn continuès cooking for anothèr 20 minutès. Rèmovè thè chickèn brèasts, sèt asidè to cool.
- Add thè whitè bèans and salsa to thè pot. Simmèr for 30 minutès ovèr mèdium hèat.
- Shrèd thè chickèn and add it back to thè pot.
- Just bèforè sèrving, squèèzè thè juicè of onè limè into thè pot. Cut thè rèmaining limè into wèdgès for sèrving. Add thè salt; tastè and adjust as nèèdèd. Sèrvè with frèsh cilantro, sour crèam, and shrèddèd chèèsè.
- To rèmovè any unwantèd chickèn fat in thè broth aftèr Stèp 2, pour thè liquid through a finè sièvè, rèsèrving thè liquid. Rèturn thè liquid to thè pot ovèr mèdium hèat. You can also do this by just scraping across thè top to rèmovè any chickèn fat.
- This is also dèlicious sèrvèd with whitè ricè IN it, or as a sidè. It hèlps offsèt thè spicinèss.
Recipes Adapted From:pinchofyum.com
source https://recipethinkering.blogspot.com/2019/02/jalapeno-lime-chicken-soup.html
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