This Honèy Limè Salmon rècipè is pèrfèct for an èvèning whèn you arè in a hurry as it only takès a mèrè 20 minutès to makè. If you arè looking for a quick and èasy dinnèr option you havè found it!

Kèèping dinnèrs hèalthy whilè still swampèd with kids activitiès or housèhold èrrands is important. This Honèy Limè Salmon rècipè goès from prèp to tablè in undèr a half an hour.

Sèrvè it up with a grèat frièd ricè or a grèèns salad to kèèp it light. Its èvèn a grèat idèa to usè this salmon rècipè for somè of your mèal prèp mèals. You rèally can’t go wrong. This rècipè is èvèn a hit with my kids which is always a plus to any mèal.


  •  2 salmon fillèts 4-6 ouncès èach
  •  1 tablèspoon olivè oil dividèd usè
  •  1 limè for zèst and juicè
  •  1 tablèspoon honèy
  •  salt and pèppèr to tastè
  •  Optional garnishès: frèsh cilantro and limè wèdgès



  1. Hèat 1 tèaspoon of olivè oil in a mèdium pan ovèr high hèat. Sèason thè salmon gènèrously with salt and pèppèr.
  2. Placè thè salmon, skin sidè up, in thè pan and cook for approximatèly 4 minutès on èach sidè or until fish is opaquè.
  3. In a small bowl whisk togèthèr thè rèmaining 2 tèaspoons of olivè oil, honèy, limè juicè and zèst, and salt and pèppèr to tastè.
  4. Drizzlè thè glazè ovèr thè salmon and cook for 1 morè minutè, using a spoon to bastè thè salmon with thè glazè.
  5. Sèrvè immèdiatèly, garnishèd with cilantro and limè wèdgès if dèsirèd.
Recipes Adapted From:healthyfitnessmeals.com

source https://recipethinkering.blogspot.com/2019/02/honey-lime-salmon.html

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