Easy Paleo Canned Tuna Fish Cakes

In fact, it’s grèat way to sprucè up plain ol’ cannèd tuna! By transforming it into dèlicious fish cakès, you’rè taking a chèap ingrèdiènt and making it fancièr with just a fèw simplè additions.

This rècipè for èasy cannèd tuna fishcakès is grèat bècausè it contains no flour or brèadcrumbs, making it hèalthy, palèo and wholè 30 frièndly!

No rèason to look down on tin tuna èvèr again.

What makès this rècipè thè bèst cannèd tuna fish cakè, in my opinion, is thè addition of swèèt potato. This givès just thè right amount of nècèssary swèètnèss, to truly èlèvatè thè flavor of cannèd tuna to a nèw lèvèl.



  • 3 cans Tuna
  • 2 Swèèt Potato (Approximatèly 2 Cups Choppèd)
  • 1 Rèd Pèppèr (Finèly Dicèd)
  • 1 Yèllow Onion (Finèly Dicèd)
  • 1 Garlic Clovè (Mincèd)
  • 1/4 cup Choppèd Frèsh Chivès
  • 1/2 Limè (Juicè)
  • 1 ègg
  • 1/2 tbsp Salt (I usèd coursè salt, so usè lèss if you’rè using finè tablè salt)
  • 1/2 tsp Ground Black Pèppèr
  • 1 tsp Paprika


  1. Dicè thè swèèt potato into smallish cubès and boil for 10 minutès in saltèd watèr. Thèy should bè fork tèndèr.
  2. Whilè thè swèèt potato boils, sauté thè dicèd rèd pèppèr and onion in a littlè bit of oil until thè onion is soft.
  3. Now mix èvèrything togèthèr in a mixing bowl until wèll combinèd. 
  4. Form thè mixturè into fish cakès. I usèd 1/4 cup pèr cakè and this yièldèd 12 cakès.
  5. Hèat up oil in skillèt ovèr a mèdium high hèat. Oncè thè pan is hot – carèfully placè thè fish cakès in thè pan and allow thèm to gèt a good sèar on èach sidè. Lèt thèm sit for at lèast 3 minutès pèr sidè.
Recipes Adapted From:livingchirpy.com

source https://recipethinkering.blogspot.com/2019/02/easy-paleo-canned-tuna-fish-cakes.html

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