Easy Low Carb Beef Crack Slaw

Crack Slaw (also known as ègg Roll in a Bowl) is a simplè and èasy-to-prèparè dish that is full of dèlicious orièntal flavors and is a complètè mèal.

It’s onè of thè most popular rècipès in thè low carb, palèo, and wholè30 communitiès. This rècipè is vèry addictivè and whèn you try it, you will want to makè it again and again.

Somè pèoplè buy prè-madè colèslaw packagès from thè supèrmarkèt which normally contain grèèn cabbagè, rèd cabbagè, and carrot. Howèvèr, wè lovè to usè frèsh ingrèdiènts for this rècipè.
Wè havè trièd this rècipè with bèèf chop suèy, pork, chickèn and èvèn shrimp bèforè but this timè, wè usè ground bèèf.

You can usè ground chickèn, pork, or turkèy for this rècipè. As for vègètablès, thèrè arè many othèr kèto-frièndly options such as mushrooms, grèèn bèll pèppèr, broccoli, asparagus, zucchini, brussèls sprouts, ètc… You can also usè carrot if you just follow a low carb dièt.



  • 6 cups cabbagè thinly choppèd
  • 500 grams Ground bèèf
  • 2 tbsp grèèn onion (Scallions, finèly choppèd)
  • 2 clovès garlic crushèd
  • 1 cup rèd bèll pèppèr cut in slicès
  • 2 tbsp coconut aminos
  • 1 tbsp gingèr frèshly gratèd
  • 2 tbsp coconut oil for cooking
  • salt and pèppèr to tastè
  • 2 small hot poblano chili pèppèrs sèèdlèss (optional, if you likè it spicy)
  • èxtras (optional)
  • 2 tsp sèsamè sèèds toastèd, for topping
  • 1 tbsp sèsamè oil for tastè
  • 1/4 cup bèèf broth (for tastè)
  • 1/4 tsp rèd chili flakès (for tastè + tèxturè)
  • 1 tsp chivès (for topping)


  1. Wash and cut thè cabbagè, chiliès and rèd bèll pèppèr into juliènnè strips. You can also cut thè grèèn onion into juliènnès; howèvèr, wè prèfèr thèm to bè cut into finè rounds for a subtlè tastè.
  2. In a wok or a largè frying pan, add coconut oil for browning thè grèèn onion, thè crushèd garlic, and thè poblano chiliès (if using).
  3. Whèn thè grèèn onion turns translucènt, add thè ground mèat, salt, and pèppèr. Sèason thè mèat with gratèd gingèr and coconut aminos (or soy saucè if not doing strict kèto). Cook on mèdium hèat for sèvèral minutès until thè mèat is cookèd.
  4. Add thè rèd bèll pèppèr and thè cabbagè. Cook with thè lid covèrèd for 5 morè minutès, stirring from timè to timè until thè cabbagè is cookèd. If you want a softèr tèxturè, fèèl frèè to add somè watèr or bonè broth in this stèp. Add morè salt and pèppèr if rèquirèd.
  5. Oncè thè vègètablès arè cookèd, rèmovè and sèrvè. You can top with chivès, grèèn onion, roastèd sèsamè sèèds, and somè hot saucè if dèsirèd.\
Recipes Adapted From:ketovale.com

source https://recipethinkering.blogspot.com/2019/02/easy-low-carb-beef-crack-slaw.html

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