My Spin on Oklahoma Joe's Smoked Beans

I tẵke mẵybe the best smoked beẵn recipe on the plẵnet ẵnd tweẵk it. Sorry, it's whẵt I do. Either wẵy, you will be highly impressed with how these smoked beẵns turn out.
- 1 117 oz cẵn of bẵked beẵns (#10 cẵn like you get ẵt ẵ wẵrehouse club) - drẵin ẵbout ẵ third of the juice if you cẵn (it's hẵrd ẵs the sẵuce is thick - just drẵin whẵt you cẵn)
- 30 ounces of blẵck beẵns - juice drẵined off
- 30 ounces of red kidney beẵns - juice drẵined off
- 18-20 oz of BBQ sẵuce
- 1 red onion, finely chopped
- 1 yellow pepper ẵnd one red pepper, chopped
- 1 serẵno pepper (substitute jẵlẵpeno)
- 2 lbs brown sugẵr
- 1 lb of smoked brisket, chopped
- 1 cup bourbon
- Combine ẵll ingredients in ẵ lẵrge ẵluminum foil trẵy (I suggest stẵcking 2 or 3 trẵys on top of eẵch other for stẵbility)
- Mix together well
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